About me

I am Doctoral Student in Psychology and Psycholinguistics in the University of Kaiserslautern. My research interest is on the processing of a type of structure typically referred to as Compound Nouns or Nominal Compounds. While a lot of the existing research has been carried out in English, this structure is also present in several other languages, many of which follow different patterns. Theories that explain how such compounds are processed should also be capable of predicting the behavior of speakers of these languages. Therefore, my interest is not limited to English.

I am additionally interested on the theoretical implications to the current models of human Working Memory that could arise from the relations I might find between the processing of nominal compounds and individual Working Memory abilities.

Finally, Machine Learning has been some sort of a side interest, resulting from my background in Computer Science. In the area, my focus is on Deep Neural Networks, and I have used most of the currently mainstream Machine Learning libraries to develop my projects.

You can find my page at the University of Kaiserslautern here.

My Curriculum Vitae is available here.

Finally, I also like to write poems and songs. Check out the buttons in the side bar for a list of my “artistic production” :-)


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