You can get the slides for this class here. (these slides were made in cooperation with Philipp Blandfort. See the licence if you want to make copies/changes to it)
Unfortunately, for copyright reasons, I can’t provide copies of the papers I refer to in these videos. Still… if you can have access to them, I totally recommend reading them, especially the one applying Corpus Linguistics to analyse the way people in depressive forums use language.
(By the way: )
That $35 that scientific journals charge you to read a paper goes 100% to the publisher, 0% to the authors. If you just email us to ask for our papers, we are allowed to send them to you for free, and we will be genuinely delighted to do so.
— Holly Witteman, PhD (@hwitteman) July 6, 2018
The last three videos are a continuation of the programming “tutorial”. This time we will see how to access/manipulate corpus data using the NLTK, using the Gutenberg “package” as an example.
(I don’t know why I thought “Hamlet” had two “t” lol)
Lancaster University’s Corpus Linguistics MOOC